The following images and dialog will show a user how to set a static IP address in a new M750 drive. An Ethernet patch cable connected to a M750 drive with a PC running Connect software will be required. This example will demonstrate how to set the M750 static IP address to
1. Before starting ensure the switches on the M750's display are set to zero. If this step is not followed and the switches are not set to zero, on next power cycle the IP address will be changed to the switch settings. Switches are shown below:
2. After opening Connect software on your PC, select the "Scan Ethernet" action to build a project, as shown below:
3. Since the drive ships with DHCP enabled, Connect should detect the the drive and the user should be presented with the screen below. Click on the "Configure" button highlighted in blue:
4. After selecting "Configure", enter the desired the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway in the following dialog. When complete, select "Apply" to allow Connect to set the new IP address.
5. After clicking on "Apply", the screen below will appear showing the new IP Address as "" followed by the drive type "M750". Select OK at the bottom to save the IP address changes made to the drive. The new drive now has a saved static IP address and is ready for commissioning.
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