First, modify the drive initialization file in PowerTools Studio. The Drive Initialization File can be found under the Hardware tree in PowerToolsStudio. If it is not there, enable it to be view or edited by selecting Options/Preferences/Show Advanced Views as shown below.
Next, insert the following lines into the code:
Menu.12.41=1 ‘this instruction set the brake control to Enable.
Menu.8.22=12.040 ‘this sets the Digitax HD Brake Release function to be the source of the SP Relay.
Next, remove or comment out the following line:
Menu.8.22=18.040 ‘IO 2 Source Destination.
This is the preferred method of controlling the brake when PTi210 is used. In actuality, the Digitax HD is doing all the control, and PTi210 is simply telling the drive to take over.
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